Interestingly, food doesn't seem to be motivating enough to attract all classes. Take a Ci'Ci's pizza buffet for instance. Indeed, it is a coming together of american blue collar society, all working classes represented. The obese are also included, irrelevant to class, as the obese are a class in their own respect represented in both working class and bourgeoisie.
However, there is a "free lunch" in abstract respects in 24 Hour Fitness centers across America. Sweat is a substance shared between all. Exercise is certainly not a positional good (the converse supports this assertion, as obese people are represented in all classes).
Tonight, a night of exercise, a night of observation, has led to this conclusion. some observed 24 hour fitness types
- "sequined sweatsuit So-Cal Girl"- these breeds frequent 24 hour fitness between the hours of 6 and 9:30, prime time to meet guys. They can be found walking .25 MPH on the treadmill in a pair of UGG boots, a sequined juicy coutour sweatsuit (black OR pink), hair professionally styled, reading a US weekly magazine, texting on their blackberries, and listening to their ipods (while chewing do they do it?)
- UFC wannabe- Hair spiked, wife beater, throwing punches as they pound out the miles (in 30 second intervals)
-Ultra competitive basketball types- enough said, these guys deserve respect
-New Years Resolutioners
-Dri-Fit-ers- guys who splurge on expensive workout clothes to hop on the elliptical for 3 minutes
-locker room types- they never seem to leave the locker room
-water fountain types- never seem to leave the water fountain
-meatheads- make a scene yelling when they get that one last rep (also wear Ed-Hardy Hats)
and last but not least
-guys who go to the aerobic dance and jazzercize classes- seriously guys? if its to pick up girls, I commend you, but with animosity.
Although open 24 hours, its still always impossible to get a treadmill. Utah loves treadmills apparently.
You forgot the 60 yr. old guys that strap the weight belts to themselves, take a bench press, do a set, and then walk around and talk to everyone. If you ask them if they are done with the bench, they say "Not yet!" and run over and do another set. They normally are there for a couple of hours.