Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Before: Racquetball Chump ...... Soon To Be: Racquetball Champ.

After many seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks of not blogging.. A fire kindled deep within the caves of my adventurous free flying spirit began to spark. The needy feeling came to me like a barn owl upon a field mouse at 2 in the morning in open pastors, I needed to blog. I wanted to blog, I needed to blog, I had to blog, I will blog. About what? I do not know. I am currently traveling across vast plains in a valley of imagination waiting for a passionate yet interesting creature to stumble across my path.

This post could be about many things such as my thoughts on the Swedish flag, how physics allows for the use of time travel, why hotdogs are called hot-dogs when they are not made of dogs, the all new Chevy Silverado 4x4, why global warming does not exist, the aurora lights in the north pole, how parts of southern Louisiana are sinking into the Gulf of Mexico, which sour patch kid color is the best tasting, how they put lead into wooden pencils, or how a simple cable can hook me up to the world wide web in which I can access millions upon millions of information. Instead, I choose to elaborate on a rock. Yes..... a rock. Such interesting creatures rocks are. Some have been around since Jesus walked on the Earth and some are from millions of years ago but they still look like ....a rock. Rocks are made of minerals, without minerals we would not have rocks. Without rocks we would still have minerals. While increasing our elevation by walking up the side of a mounting (also known as hiking) there was a rock that caught my eye. Like a beautiful girl in the mall of thousands of people, the rock just stood out from everything else. A shimmering light fell upon the rock. All time, matter, and web browsing paused it seemed like for 3.4 seconds. Then, within the blink of an eye, the light was gone away from the rock. My daze vanished along with the light. This rock... had to join my journey through life. It's name.... Shambo.

This rock known as Shambo is currently on my desk staring me down like a wolf watching an injured white tail deer stumble across the rough wooded landscape of a forest in the Alaskan territory. Luckily rocks ambitions are not to prey on the human race for dominance of the world and milky way galaxy.

Rocks can seem lame. But this rock is far from it. As the dorm neighbors can testify, it makes for a good concrete beater. The echos of the rock clashing against the concrete walls can be vividly heard on the other side. Shambo isn't just a small hand held jack hammer either though.

A lucky medallion is what Shambo is. Recently my dream has been to become good enough at racquetball to be able to join The Legends Tour for Pro Racquetball. Go pro in racquetball, yes it sounds almost impossible. But it will happen. I have had my fair share of beat downs in the competitive sport known as racquetball. Many members of the Dude Ranch have used me as rug mat in the game of racquetball. The N*Haler, also known as Nick Hales, and ZWAG, also known as Zach Wagner, both have exploited the flaws in my racquetball skills. For a solid 4 hours I received nothing but losses in racquetball. Just like the oceans waters, the tide has turned.

Currently since finding Shambo, I am on a 3 game winning streak. The people I have beat since Shambo have not been the N*Haler or ZWAG.

The opponents I have faced have been people in my training class for racquetball.

I believe training is necessary to the obtaining of the ultimate goal known as.....


Ever since catching an ultimate beat down, mental thrashing, I have been in a state of must train mode. N*Haler and ZWAG threw me around the racquetball ring like a 3 year old's playtoy in a pawn shop. Some day..I will beat these two on a regular basis. When that day comes I will obtain an application for The Legends Tour. Then the races will begin to win that as well. As of now.. This is an ultimatum for ZWAG and the N*Haler... Your time will come when the scorecard reads B-rad 15 (Your name here)-0.

I did not even realize that I spelled the word ATTRACTIVE.
Your beat down (ZWAG and N*Haler)
Will be an ATTRACTIVE one.


A*State Jolly Rancher


  1. Real clever. Chump vs champ. Igniting the sympathies of the audience with your story of falling in love with a rock. You could beat me in the head with that rock while I was sleeping, and I'd still beat you on the court.

  2. Thou shalt be no competition against me by time we play. All of 1 Nephi and part of 2 Nephi will be read tonight by me, I will be spiritually inclined. The opposition (you) shall falter against the righteousness of my mighty sword (racquet).
